On Thursday, April 10th, Lena 'cloudlena' Fuhrimann will give a lecture on NixOS, a declarative Linux distribution.
read moreNews Archive
Regular general assembly on 2025-03-18
On Tuesday, 2025-03-18, the regular general assembly will take place.
read moreTheme night: De-Google your life
On Thursday, 27th of March 2025, we are going to do a theme night on de-Googling our lives.
read moreTalk on illumos by Toasterson
On Thursday, March 13th, Till 'Toasterson' Wegmüller will give a lecture on illumos, the community fork that was created after the discontinuation of OpenSolaris.
read moreOpen house 2025
On Saturday 2 March 2025 between 09:00 and 20:00 we will open our doors as part of the Open Hackerspace Day 2025.
read moreTalk «Langweilige IP Router mit Linux» by Lorenz 'znerol' Schori
On February 13, 2025, Lorenz Schori will give a lecture on the setup and maintenance of Linux routers with classic distributions.
read moreTheme night: Mobile Linux
On Thursday, 30st of January 2025, we are going to hold the third iteration of our theme nights.
read moreAnnouncement: Second series of presentations in 2025
Directly following our first series of presentation, our second one will start. From March to June 2025, a lecture will take place on the second Thursday of each month from 19:30h.
read moreTalk on Termux by glow
«Termux - Not just a terminal emulator for your Android.»: On January 09, 2025 Glow will give a presentation on Termux.
read moreDemonights 018: Lebendige Demoszene
On December 12, 2024, the Demonights 018: Lebendige Demoszene will take place at Chaostreff Bern. Additionally, Andry 'Unlock' Joos will give a lecture on the inclusion of the demo scene in the list of living traditions in Switzerland.
read moreTheme night: Router-Firewall
On Thursday, 28th of November 2024, we are going to hold the second iteration of our theme nights.
read moreTheme night: Home lab
We will hold the first theme night on October 31, 2024
read moreThe Chaostreff Bern in the "Anzeiger"
Article about the Chaostreff Bern in the 17.01.2024 Edition of the "Anzeiger Region Bern"
read moreTalk on Puppet by Benedikt Trefzer
«Mit bääbele automatisiere»: On the 14th of November, Benedikt Trefzer will do a presentation on Puppet.
read moreAnnouncement: Theme nights
We are starting a new event series with a new format. Starting this October, we will be running a theme night on the last Thursday of each month. During these, we are going to address a select subject with short presentations and a moderated discussion round.
read moreAnnouncement of the Haecksenbreakfast
On Saturday, 2024-10-26 from 12:00-14:00 (CEST) a Haecksenbreakfast takes place in our hackerspace
read moreTalk on Ansible by René Moser
On 10 October 2024, René ‘Resmo’ Moser will give a talk on Ansible.
read moreAnnouncement: Series of presentations in 2024 / 2025
Starting in October 2024, we will be having a presentation every second Thursday of the month from 19:39 h.
read moreWe moved to the new Hackerspace
Chaostreff Bern has completed the move to the new hackerspace
read morePresentation: Authenticated disk encryption and protection from bit rot in Linux using dm-integrity
dm-integrity is a relatively young component in the Linux storage stack. This device mapper target adds two important functions that have been lacking in Linux before.
read moreNew hackerspace at the Loryplatz
The search for a new hackerspace has been successful. We are looking forward to moving to our new location in July 2024.
read morePresentation: Reading data from smart meters with an IoT adapter
Hermann Hüni, from gPlug.ch, gives a presentation on smart meters and reading data via their local customer interface.
read moreLooking back at the open hackspace day 2024
Last Saturday, the Open Hackerspace Day took place. We are looking back at an exciting day with many new acquaintances.
read moreDay of the open hackerspace 2024
On Saturday 2 March 2024 between 09:00 and 20:00 we will open our doors as part of the Open Hackerspace Day 2024.
read morePresentation on Infrastructure as Code (IaC) with OpenStack, OpenTofu and GitLab
On Thursday, the 21st of March, I will hold a presentation on how we use OpenTofu to manage our infrastructure.
read moreLooking for a new hacker space in 2024
In summer 2024, we will have to leave our hacker space. We are now looking for new rooms.
read moreOur own [matrix] server
In addition to our XMPP server, we now also have our own [matrix] server.
read moreOfficial fediverse account
The Chaostreff Bern now has an official fediverse (Mastodon) account.
read moreSticker Exchange Update
An updated on the state of our sticker exchange in the year 2023.
read moreInternational Open Hackerspace Day 2023
On Saturday, the 25th of March 2023 from 14:00 until 22:00 we are opening our doors for the International Open Hackerspace Day 2023 - we are looking forward to your visit.
read moreVortrag: Das Panoptikon der Videoüberwachung durch die Polizei
This event will be held in German. There is no translation into English for this page. Select the German language to read the text in German.
read moreVortrag: Die Europäische Union plant ein neues Gesetz für eine Europaweite Chatkontrolle
This event will be held in German. There is no translation into English for this page. Select the German language to read the text in German.
read moreInfoveranstaltung zur Vernehmlassung der Teilrevision des Polizeigesetz
This event will be held in German. There is no translation into English for this page. Select the German language to read the text in German.
read moreGNU Taler talk
On Saturday, 2022-11-05 19:00 a talk about GNU Taler will be held in our Hackerspace
read moreDay of open hackspaces 2022
On Saturday, the 27th of August 2022 from 14:00 until 23:59 we are opening our doors on the day of open hackspaces 2022 - we are looking forward to your visit.
read moreInvitation to our digital meeting: Tuesday, 2021-04-27 20:00
Invitation to our digital meeting: Tuesday, 2021-04-27 20:00
read morePress release
Demands on science and politics regarding the use of a contact tracing app
read moreAll events are canceled
All events including regular weekly meetings are canceled
read moreRegular general assembly delayed
The executive board delays the regular general assembly for 2020
read moreRegular general assembly on 2020-03-17
On Tuesday, 2020-03-17, the regular general assembly will take place.
read moreAnalogue games night at the Keyburg
We hold our next evening for tabletop an Friday, December 13th.
read moreGentoo Linux: Vortrag und install party
On Thursday, 2019-11-21 a presentation on advanced functionality of Gentoo Linux will be held. The Saturday after that, we will have a Gentoo install party.
read moreChaostreff at our Hackerspace
Now that we have moved into our new hackerspace, the Chaostreffs take place there as well.
read moreIrregular general assembly on 2019-06-04
On Tuesday, 2019-06-04, an irregular general assembly will take place.
read moreRegular general assembly on 2019-02-12
On Tuesday, 2019-02-12, the regular general assembly will take place.
read moreNo weekly meetings until the official opening
There will be no public meetings until we officially open the new hackerspace
read moreIrregular general assembly on 2018-11-20
On Tuesday, 2018-11-20, an irregular general assembly will take place.
read moreVisit to CERN
The Chaostreff Berns visits the CERN on 2019-02-09
read moreOfficial opening of the new Hackerspace
All life forms are invited to visit our new Hackerspace on it's official opening on Saturday, 2018-03-16
read moreNew room: Our own Hackerspace
We have found a new room which we can use as a Hackerspace as well as a location for our meetings
read moreGit Workshop
Announcement of Git Workshop on 2018-08-07 20:00
read moreMateworkshop
Workshop to create our own favorite kind of mate ice tea
read moreDiver Days 2018 Report
Summary Diver Days 2018
read moreAnkündigung Diver Days 2018
The Diver Days will take place on the april weekend from 2018-04-20 to 2018-04-22.
read moreIrregular general assembly on 2018-03-27
On Tuesday, 2018-03-27, an irregular general assembly will take place.
read moreSaerching for a new location
The Chaostreff Bern is looking for a new location
read more34c3-syled Chaostreff Bern T-Shirts
For the 34c3 we got new T-Shirts printed, machting the congress' design guide.
read moreSlides of the presentation "Machine Learning" from 2017-11-18 are available
The slides from the presentation "Machine Learning" by Dr. Felix Wichmann from 2017-11-18 are online
read moreChaostreff Bern general assembly 2018 announcement
The general assembly of the Chaostreff Bern for 2018 will take place on 2018-01-23
read moreLecture and discussion (in german): MASCHINELLES LERNEN: Methoden, Algorithmen, Potentiale und gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen
Lecture about machine learning by Dr. Felix Wichmann on November 18th 2017 (in german)
read moreCCC-CH unterstützt Referendum gegen das Geldspielgesetz
The Chaos Computer Club Switzerland takes part in the referendum against the new gambling law. Thus, the Chaostreff Bern is part of the referendum as well.
read moreChaostreff T-Shirts are available
The shirts of Chaostreff Bern are available for purchase.
read moreAnnouncement: VIM workshop
A VIM workshop will be held on Saturday, 2017-05-20 from 14:00h.
read moreGeneral assembly 2017, protocol
The protocol for the Chaostreff Bern's general assembly 2017 is now online.
read moreInstalling and testing OneRNG
We've made a group order for OneRNGs, open hardware random number hardware generators. Now that they have arrived, here is some of what we have learned when installing and using them.
read moreMembership and fees
We now have a bank account where member fees can be paid to.
read morespaceAPI
We have implemented the spaceAPI
read moreChaostreff in "DerBund"
Article about the Chaostreff in "DerBund",12.11.2016
read moreReport on the formation of the association
Report on the formation of the association Chaostreff Bern on Tuesday, 2016-10-25
read moreAnnouncement: Formation of the association Chaostreff Bern
On Tuesday, 2016-10-25 we will turn the Chaostreff Bern into a formal association
read moreIntroduction to I2P
Introduction to I2P, the network that should provide anonymity on the internet
read moreUpdates on the Git Server
We have consolidated all our Git repositories in one group. Also, the Git server can now be reached under new addresses.
read moreAnnouncement: XMPP presentation
A presentation on XMPP will be held at the Chaostreff meeting on 2016-07-19
read moreBÜPF: Call for collecting signatures
The deadline for the BÜPF referendum is in just over a month. NOW is the time to protect our privacy, NOW is the time to go out and collect signatures!
read moreProjects on chaosbern.ch
Our website now features a collection of all the materials from past workshops and presentations
read moreCollecting signatures for the BÜPF Referendum [update]
The national council has accpeted the revision of the BÜPF. All we can do now is to let the people of Switzerland vote on the matter in a Referendum. But for that to happen, we have to collect enough signatures.
read morePress announcement: BÜPF-Referendum is coming!
The press announcement for the BÜPF Referendum
read moreCCC-CH Gettogether am 23. April 2016 in Bern
On Saturday, 2016-04-23 The Chaostreff Bern hosts the CCC-CH gettogether. The meeting starts 13:30 at the Güterstrasse 8. We invite everyone to get dinner with us beforehand.
read moreIntroductory talk on Blockchain technology - second attempt
With the original date for the Blockchain talk not working out, we now have a new date
read moreAnnouncement: 2016 keysigning
After one year, we want to run another PGP keysigning
read moreAnnouncement Tinker day 2016
On Saturday, 2016-03-12 we organize a tinker day at the Güterstrasse 8
read moreChaostreff meeting at the Pfadi Patria
On Tuesday, 2016-03-08 the Chaostreff will take place at the Pfadi Patria
read moreIntroducing the acme-conductor
2_B has developed a new client for ACME, the protocol used by letsencrypt. He is going to introduce his client in a short presentation.
read moreNew schedule for the meetings
After a long periode of planning, the new meeting schedule is now going live: From now on, every other week, we meet on Tuesday at the Güterstrasse 8
read moreTalk: An introduction to Blockchain technology
Announcing an introductory talk on Blockchain technology
read moreTails Workshop
At the meeting on 12th January, we will have a workshop on Tails.
read moreRFID-Zapper-Workshop with the Chaostreff Bern - a report
On Saturday, 2015-11-21 the RFID Zapper workshop took place. In this article, macmaniac who organized it, shares his experiences.
read moreChaostreff on Jan. 12th at the Güterstrasse 8
On Tuesday, January 12th 2016, the Chaostreff will take place at Güterstrasse 8.
read moreChaostreff Bern Jabber Server
The Chaostreff Bern's XMPP/Jabber server goes into production. New accounts can be registered directly on our website.
read moreT-Shirt Design [2nd update]
First design proposals for chaostreff shirts
read moreCCC-CH Schleuder
The CCC-CH has a Schleuder. Hackers from Bern can join as well.
read moreWorkshop: construct a RFID-Zapper
In this workshop, the participating hackers will construct their own RFID-zapper.
read moreCoordination of the Signature collecting for the NDG referendum
A tool to coordinate the collection of signatures for the NDG referendum in Bern.
read moreCollecting signatures for the NDG Referendum
The National Council has accepted the 'Nachrichtendienstgesetz' (law concerning the secret service). All we can do now is to let the people of Switzerland vote on it in a Referendum. But for that to happen, we have to collect enough signatures.
read moreOn the future of the Chaostreff Bern
The Chaostreff Bern is in existence since February of this year. We have met a lot of interesting people and we have learnt many new things. It is now at the time for us to evolve the Chaostreff...
read moreLogo chosen
At last night's meeting, we've finally chosen a logo for the Chaostreff Bern.
read moreWeekly meetings
From now on, the Chaostreff meetings will take place on a weekly basis.
read moreA new date for deciding on the logo
We've been looking for a fitting logo for the Chaostreff Bern. We feel that the time has come to make a decision. We'll decide on the logo at the meeting on 2015-09-10.
read moreCCC-CH Gettogether on September 19, 2015 in Bern
On 2015-09-19 the next CCC-CH gettogether will take place in Bern in the denk:mal. The meeting will start at 14h. We also invite everyone interested to eat dinner with us before the meeting.
read moreChaostreff Bern is now a member of the CCC-CH
During the CCC-CH's Chaosversammlung at the CoSin 2015, the Chaostreff Bern got accepted as a member of the CCC-CH
read moreWanted: A logo for the Chaostreff Bern
The Chaostreff Bern needs a logo. We are looking for good ideas and ...
read moreCosin 2015
The Cosin is an annual event of the CCC-CH. This year, it takes place June 12th to 14th.
read moreCCCamp Swiss Village call for donations
We would like to rent a big tent for the Swiss Village at the upcoming CCCamp15, but that won't be cheap
read moreNew website
The Chaostreff Bern has a new website, written in Pelican
read moreKeysigning, retrospect
A short report from our keysigning party
read moreFirst meeting, retrospect
We had our first meeting on February 12. With the large amount of visitors, we caused a bit of chaos
read more